Create an outcome

What is an outcome and how to create an outcome on

Learning outcome:

What is an outcome?

Outcomes are a measure of how you will achieve a goal. They are the evidence, that if achieved, means the goal has been achieved. 

They should be specific, time-bound, aggressive but realistic and verifiable through measurement.

For a best practice goal, there should be two to four outcomes. These outcomes can have different due dates and measures but bring context to how the goal is going to be achieved.

The assumption is, if all the outcomes are achieved, then the goal is achieved. So, if you can’t achieve one of the outcomes, it probably means the goal hasn’t or can’t be achieved.

Where to create an outcome

Like goals, outcomes can be created in several places on the platform. They can be created on the goals page, on the goal detail page, and in the goal editor.

In the goal editor and on the goal detail page, look for the blue add outcome button. 

On the goals page, click the outcome button in line with the goal you want to add an outcome to.

How to create an outcome

In this example we're going to create an outcome from the goal page. To navigate to the goals page click goals in the nav bar on the left.

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On the goals page, click the outcome button in line with the goal you need to add an outcome to.

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The outcome editor will appear. Add the outcome title, due date and description. Now choose the metric you will be measuring and whether the measure is cumulative or discrete.

A cumulative measure is a running total, such as achieve 5200 sales this year. A discrete measure counts specific values, such as make 433 sales per month. Over 12 months, both measures equate to the same amount of 5200 sales, however, the discrete measure records the number of sales each month. 

Another example could be a sales team's annual revenue target of $1,000,000. This would be a cumulative measure.

A sales team KPI is to complete at least 25 sales meetings per month. This measure would be discrete measure.

Now add your starting value, this could be 0, or if you have a starting value, add that. In the example below, we are starting from 0. Add your target value, what you are hoping to achieve, in this case 5200.

Last but not least, set your current progress, if any, and your confidence in achieving this outcome on a scale of 1 to 10.


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When you're done, click save to create the outcome, waypoint tracking data and the first ai insight to suggest tasks to complete. You can also now connect a task board to the outcome.

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