How to create and use task board templates

Learn how to turn a task board into a template and systemise your business processesyou need to

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What is a taskboard template?

A taskboard template is a taskboard and set of tasks that can be copied and reused whenever needed. The tasks come pre-loaded with checklists, owners, and task automation.

You can add as many team members to the template, and any of the members of the board can use the template.

When to use a template?

Creating task board templates can help you and your team streamline repeated workflows. They are great for teams to set up their most common actions such as onboarding a new member of staff or pushing a marketing campaign live. In doing so, you can improve your efficiency and spend your time working on what really matters instead of setting up processes, again and again.

Some common use cases for taskboard templates are:

Project templates - create a best practice project template and save it as a template for others in your team or the entire company to access and use. The tasks might include detailed descriptions, checklists, links, automation, and assignments to people. 

Standard operating processes - create standard operating processes as task templates and allow users to access the template and deploy to any of their Taskboards. For example, an annual leave application process. Create the steps to plan, apply, and confirm annual leave. A user can add the template of tasks to their personal task board and action accordingly. 

Product launch - hit every deadline and set up the product launch goal with your best practice product launch sequence of tasks, task automations, assignments, and pre-written content. 

Task templates enable you to systemise business processes and projects with ease.

How to create a task template

To create a  task board template, navigate to the task module by clicking tasks on the navigation menu on the left of screen. When the Task module opens, click the template button to in the top right-hand corner of the screen to display your template library.

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To open a template, click a template task board from the library, or to create a new template, click the add new template button then set up the task board as you normally would giving it a name and adding members. To navigate back to your list of task boards, click the Boards button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

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Turn an existing task board into a template

To create a template from an existing taskboard, open the task board and click the templates button in the top right-hand corner of the screen then choose save board as template.

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A new template pop up will displayed. You'll then need to name the new template, choose whether to retain task ownership, or you as the board owner, can take ownership of all the tasks.

Retaining ownership is useful when the template will be reused by the same team members and immediately applies those team members to the template board. If the template will be used by different groups of people, you may want to take ownership and assign the tasks as necessary.

Hit save template.

Add a template to your task board

To use a template, you can create a new board first, or apply the template tasks to an existing board. Open the task board you will add the template to, then click the template button and choose add template tasks to board.

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A pop-up will be displayed with a list of template task boards you can add to the task board. Click the template you want use, then choose whether to retain the template tasks' owners or assign them to yourself, "I'll take the tasks".

If you choose to retain task owners, and the owners of the template tasks are not members of the board you are adding the tasks to, those people will be automatically added to the board.

Once you click retain task owners or I'll take the tasks, the process of copying the template tasks into the task board will begin. All the tasks will retain any automations and checklists they have, and if you chose to retain owners, the task owners will be informed they have been assigned some new tasks.

In this case, we're using the New month-end template and retaining the task owners, and in 2 clicks we have added all the tasks to our task board.

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By opening the task dashboard you can see we have added 33 tasks to the task board, all of which have been assigned to the appropriate people.