What is the relationship between tasks and outcomes on a goal?

Tasks can be related to an outcome by creating a relationship on an outcome to a task board.

To align work streams to work outcomes a user can create a relationship between a goal's outcome and a task board.

How do tasks fit in with goals and outcomes?

Think of tasks and task boards as a way to operationalize your goals.

A goal is your aspirational endpoint, the outcomes are the measures that if achieved indicate you have achieved your goal. And tasks are the steps that need to be completed in order to move forward in your outcomes. These tasks may be few or many, or personal or a project or program.

For example, if your goal as a start up is to be 'Raise Ready' the outcomes may be to increase business valuation by 50%, generate 100 qualified leads per month, increase monthly revenue to $100k, reduce monthly churn to <5%.

Each of these outcomes may require different kids of tasks. 

  • Increase business valuation by 50% may have a few personal tasks that relate to financial modeling. 
  • Generate 100 qualified leaders per month may have tasks sitting on a marketing task board. 
  • Increase monthly revenue to $100k may have some tasks on a sales and marketing meeting board relating to pricing.
  • Reduce monthly churn to <5% may have some tasks on the product board which has the product roadmap, epics, and sprints. 

Not all outcomes need to connect to tasks and task boards. And not all task boards need to connect to outcomes.

However, to create a relationship between an outcome and a project or program do the following. 

  1. Go to the goal with the outcome you want to create a relationship with. 
  2. Click on the outcome to view the outcome details panel. 
  3. Go down to the Connections section of the panel.
  4. Start typing the name of the task board you wish to relate and choose it from the drop down list of boards.
  5. A view of the outcome can now click through directly to the board holding the project or program tasks.